I've been employed at the same place for nearly three years. I absolutely the work and the office atmosphere is friendly but back in November I had a sudden absence of motivation. The ending of summer could've have been the but my attitude appeared to be common throughout the company. Our boss must've have noticed it too because he added a leadership training day to our schedule.

When I heard the news I scoffed. People of my generation hail. Attribute it to the movie Office Space. This was before the seminar. After the training sessions I'd totally changed my mind. During the workshop we listened to intriguing, encouraging, and fun presenters. The exercises were useful. Also, it didn't go as long as a normal workday though I wouldn't have complained if it did. The important thing was I returned to the office with a rejuvenated sense of direction, stronger leadership abilities, and a better relationship with my coworkers. Don't be a pessimist. The ceo peer group will do you some good.

.ceo peer group