I just wanted to find a good, authentic online health food store. A quick google query proved the job was to be more challenging than I assumed. Some of these websites are decidedly more truthful than the competition. There are a couple red flags that I've picked up on during my exploration. First, if the website requires a monthly fee to acquire a subscription, it is probably a scam. Accurate homeopathic health advice can easily be found for free from several holistic medicine practitioner resources. If someone is attempting to charge you for impersonal, unspecialized information it's indeed better to not pay them. Another bad omen is a website contending they have medical knowledge that has in the rest of the medical community. This equals a conspiracy theory that most likely doesn't exist. As with anything, anyone claiming to be the only one with the truth is probably selling a false product. But don't be dispirited. There are still a lot of truthful websites to purchase doctors office mesa.doctors office mesa